What was actually said and do you have any background information for me to read?
I have a friend who flirts with association and I'd like to see what he thinks of this apparent "new light".
well, looks like they do have a new date for the conclusion of the end, and that we should "be prepared".
even some people that commented said that 90 years of the 120 years have passed by and we should be prepared for the time at hand.
2034 people, 2034.... i've had enough, i'm talkign to the elder about this one, i don't care if i get labelled or not.
What was actually said and do you have any background information for me to read?
I have a friend who flirts with association and I'd like to see what he thinks of this apparent "new light".
vd, stoning, df, gehenah.
is god behind this?..
everything considered, and without causing harm to people, should two consenting adults be able to have sex with each other ?
So when did God create those virii? In readiness for "the fall" or afterwards?
I would assume they were the inevitible consequence of the physical universe heading towards a more chaotic framework?
vd, stoning, df, gehenah.
is god behind this?..
everything considered, and without causing harm to people, should two consenting adults be able to have sex with each other ?
Fornication is outlawed - so therefore, the answer is "yes" - it is punishable, regardless. Some people often assume that what goes unnoticed by others will not harm them. I believe in one world and one connected human psyche. At this level the lawlessness "most likely" is felt and adds to the degrading standards and general malaise.
The other diseases and issues raised are part of the universal fall. When order is restored these issues will be resolved.
We are seperate from the animal kingdom and therefore comparisons between our behaviour and the animal kingdoms behaviour holds no ground IMO as far as moral issues are concerned ....
my brother and i were talking about how great it would be to put up a billboard on the major highway where our local assembly hall is located.
the billboard would be simple and maybe look like this:.
for the truth about the troof.
What say you put that money to better use and help the needy ?
It sounds a bit childish to be honest. They have a right to worship, so leave them be. Individual JWs are not exactly a threat to you or I.
don't you just hate them.
i seem to have a horrible habit lately of waking up at some ungodly hour (i can say that now right?)..
and then i can't fall back asleep.. i'm amazed how well i actually function the next day sometimes..
First up - DONT smoke/use HASH for sleep. I did that for months and eventually my body felt like a washed out heap of flesh. Not a great idea.
My advice - use Valerian extract in liquid form. Take 1 hour before bedtime and keep it going. It should help you greatly.
Also, if you do have faith still, use prayer.
There are many useful resources around the internet with good advice.
As a side note. I wake up at an early hour as well and usually drop back off to sleep after half an hour. I get up, make a cup of herbal tea and return to bed. I always keep a book by my bed to pick up and read briefly.
last sunday's watchtower admits (p. 17) that "we are not under the mosaic law.
" but in the next paragraph it says that just as the tithing arrangement was not optional for the israelites, meeting attendance is also not optional for christians.
the first page of the february 2004 kingdom ministry tells us why.
"By gathering wood on the Sabbath, one Israelite man deliberately failed to consider Jehovah's point of view. He may have reasoned that he was providing for his family or that it was just a small thing. By means of the judgment rendered, however, Jehovah showed that pursuing mundane activities during times designated for worship is a serious matter." Numbers 15:32-36 is cited. Verse 35 and 36 says: "Without fail the man should be put to death, the whole assembly pelting him with stones outside the camp. Accordingly the whole assembly brought him forth outside the camp and pelted him with stones so that he died, just as Jehovah had commanded Moses."
Hmmm.... an interesting use of scripture.
Whilst understanding the need to gather together and upbuild one another, I can't see it meaning the death sentence, being as we are not bound by the Mosaic Law.
There is no specific scripture under Christ's leadership that indicates that this could be the case.
I can see that it is a matter of faith within the WatchTower organization to believe that hook, line, and sinker.
I'm sure people do have genuine reasons from time to time not to attend a Sunday meeting or whatever. Like being down-hearted for instance?
The original "Sabbath" is completely different to the current Christian arrangement. Tying the two together in this way makes Christ look hard-hearted IMO
I see what they are getting at, but think the choice of words is overbearing.
For absolute truth - leading to a release from the struggle - leading to peace for all mankind ....
That all sounds a bit fanciful maybe, but I can't have any other wishes really when misery and suffering exists.
If I were a materialist I'd like a better flat to live in, a job which doesn't stress me out so badly and quality food to eat all year round.
my jw brother came around to see me, and i drew the comparison that jw "mentality" was similar to that of kkk and nazi members.
although he didn't really let me explain why i thought that and stormed out.
since i didn't get a chance to discuss the differences between healthy groups and un-healthy groups, i wanted to get your input.
Try the link above, it sheds light on potentially abusive groups + tactics.
Not wise to compare any group to the KKK or the Nazi Party ... unless they are those particular groups.
the traditional christian view of immortality hinges on some form of dualism -- the notion that your consciousness is not dependent on the brain and can survive the dissolution of the body.
modern science has not found any evidence for this whatsoever.
it seems rather likely that our consciousness and mental abilities are bound to our brains and their neuronal firings.
My theory and faith is this:
God exists. God extends his consciousness into his physical creation and allows his consciousness to exist within sentient lifeforms. These sentient lifeforms are limited in their ability to grasp the whole of God (for that would be impossible). God cannot recreate himself in an absolute sense and mirror his infinte being.
Our personality is bound within the flesh and driven by God's spirit (consciousness).
When we die, we die in an absolute sense and the spirit of God returns. Our ownership ends at death.
God is more than capable of creating a detailed record of our person and allowing us to transcend death in any way he chooses. Either in a physical body again at an appointed time, or in spirit form.
Anything we imagine, God would be potentially capable of recreating.
At least, that's how I see it
Contemporary science ignores the metaphysical for the most part, because they cannot measure it by human means.
hi there fellow students .... a quick question for you all.
do you know whether in the temple arrangement, the anointing oil used contained flower heads from the cannabis plant?
there appears to be evidence that suggests that the word kineboisin refers to the plant.
I understand SARGON - your point of view. I did consider growing my own at one stage, but I have suffered from depression on and off through my life (quite bad at times) and found Cannabis useful for escapism. But .... (there had to be a but of course) .... in the long term, some of the issues I was running away from were the route cause of my depression and as hard as it has been for me, I have a determination to take back control/responsibility and assert my faith in place of the drug.
(and if I was I wouldn't give a rats-ass anyway)
Well, I care more for my body than to take that onboard. Sorry
I used to make tea out of the stuff, but started to get really bad headaches the morning after, plus severe lethargy and figured that the side effects were stunting my vitality. So, a 'physical' side effect to the usage.